豆漿 / 豆腐 Homemade Soy Milk / Tofu

豆漿 / 豆腐 Homemade Soy Milk / Tofu

在家自製豆腐 / 豆漿, 簡單又健康.
Cuisine: Chinese



  • 500 g 黃豆 soy bean
  • 4000 g 清水 water


  • 125 g 清水 water
  • 5 g 鹽 salt
  • 50 g 白醋 vinegar



  • 黃豆洗淨, 泡水12 小時後備用.
  • 加清水打成汁. (比例: 黃豆1 vs 清水8). 將豆汁與豆渣分離. 將豆汁煮滾, 撈掉浮在表面的泡沫, 持續滾2分鐘即為豆漿.


  • 豆漿煮好後, 關火.
  • 加入1000g 涼水 (比例: 黃豆1 vs 清水2)
  • 把事先調好的添加料分3-5次加入豆漿中, 邊倒邊攪均勻. 當出現豆花型態時, 就不用再加了. 靜置5分鐘. 再加熱2分鐘讓豆花凝結.
  • 將豆花倒入模具中壓成型即可. 嫩豆腐 - 壓10分鐘 硬豆腐 - 壓30分鐘

Homemade Tofu Skins 自製豆腐皮

Homemade Tofu Skins 自製豆腐皮

Cuisine: Chinese


  • 1 1/3 cups dried soy beans 8 ounces
  • 6 cups water preferably filtered


  • In a large bowl, cover the soy beans with 3 inches of cold water. Cover and let stand overnight at room temperature. Drain the soy beans and transfer them to a blender. Add 3 cups of the filtered water and puree at high speed until as smooth as possible.
  • Line a large sieve with a clean cotton napkin or 3 layers of cheesecloth and set the sieve over a heatproof bowl. In a large pot, bring 3 cups of the filtered water to a boil. Add the soy bean puree and bring just to a boil (be careful not to let it boil over). Boil over moderately high heat for exactly 8 minutes, stirring constantly with a heatproof rubber spatula to prevent sticking and scorching.
  • Carefully pour the mixture into the prepared sieve. Let stand until just cool enough to handle, about 20 minutes. Gather the ends of the napkin or cheesecloth and squeeze to extract as much of the soy milk as possible; the remaining solids should be nearly dry. Discard the solids and skim off any foam from the soy milk. You should have about 4 cups of soy milk.
  • In a large, clean saucepan, bring the soy milk to just below a simmer. A skin will slowly form on the surface of the soy milk. When the skin is fully formed, use a paring knife to carefully detach it from the side of the saucepan. Carefully slide a chopstick or skewer under the skin and lift it from the milk. Let drain for a few seconds before transferring to a plate. Repeat, stacking the tofu skins, until the soy milk is depleted.


Source: http://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/homemade-tofu-skins