Growing hellebore from seeds

Sow hellebore seed as soon as possible (preferably in July or August). Sow the seed thinly and cover with a thin layer of potting compost and fine grit. Leave the pot outside, uncovered and in a shady spot. Don’t allow it to dry out.

When germination has occurred, (usually towards the end of the year) bring the pot into a cold frame or cool greenhouse, taking care against possible damage from slugs or mice. Prick the seedlings out  (as soon as the seed leaves are large enough to handle, usually in January or February) into small 3 inch (8cm)  pots.

Pot on as required (usually in May or June) into one litre deep pots or alternatively 5 inch pots. Liquid feed regularly with Seaweed Extract from about six weeks after potting on. Plant out in the garden as soon as they are large enough (typically 2 years after sowing).

Source: Ashwood Nurseries website.

Chinese Sausages 灌香腸 (蔡季芳食譜)

Chinese Sausages 灌香腸 (蔡季芳食譜)

Cuisine: Chinese
Servings: 22 pieces


  • 1.2 kg pork, coarsely minced or sliced thinly
  • 2 tbsp Soy Sauce
  • 1.5 - 2 tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp Cure No. 2 (5/1000)
  • 5 - 6 tbsp brown sugar
  • 2 tbsp Minced ginger
  • 2 tsp Minced garlic
  • 1 tbsp Ground cinnamon
  • 0.5 cup Rice Wine
  • some Sausage casings


  • Marinate pork with all ingredients overnight (or at least 4 hours).
  • Soak sausage casings and make sausages.
  • Use a needle to prick the air pockets out of the sausages. Wipe the sausages all over with some more rice wine.
  • Hang the sausages in airy place to dry for 3 days, avoid direct sunlight. Pack and store sausages in freezer.
  • Cook the sausages from freezer with cold oil, No need to defrost.

Traditional Glutinous Rice 傳統油飯

Traditional Glutinous Rice 傳統油飯

Cook Time45 minutes
Total Time45 minutes
Course: Main Dish
Cuisine: Chinese


食材 Ingredients

  • 0.5 bowl 豬肉 切薄片或粗絲 thin slices pork can substitute with Chinese sausages
  • 0.5 bowl 蝦米 dried shrimp, soaked
  • 10 pieces 香菇, 泡水軟化, 切絲 Chinese mushroom, soaked, sliced 泡香菇水留下備用 save mushroom water for cooking
  • 0.5 bowl 紅蔥頭, 切絲 shallots, sliced 可用以炸好的油蔥酥替代 can use fried crispy onions instead
  • 3.5 rice cup 長糯米 long grain glutinous rice 洗淨後泡水4 小時 wash and soak for 4 hours

調味料 Seasoning

  • 1 tbsp 米酒 / 紹興酒 rice wine/ shao shin wine
  • 1.5 tbsp 醬油 soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp 麻油 sesame oil
  • 0.5 bowl 水 water


  • 爆香紅蔥頭, 蝦米和香菇, 加入肉絲, 炒至8分熟.
    Fry shallots, shrimp and mushroom first, then add pork and cook to pork just change its colour.
  • 注入香菇水及1/2 碗的水, 加入糯米, 攪拌均勻.
    Add mushroom water and 0.5 bowl water, add the soaked rice, mix well.
  • 放入醬油及米酒, 拌炒至糯米略為上色. 拌入麻油.
    Put in soy sauce and rice wine, stir until the rice is evenly coated by the soy sauce, add sesame oil. Transfer the whole thing into a rice cooking pot.
  • 電鍋外鍋放3杯水, 將半成品轉放到電鍋的內鍋, 蒸煮至熟.
    Put 3 cups of water in the outer layer of the rice cooker, then cook the rice until done.