100% Pineapple Cake filling 純鳳梨餡
- 1 kg Pineapple
- 135 g Sugar
- 130 g Maltose
- 16 g corn flour
- Remove and discard both skin and centre cord of the pineapple. Slice pineapple into strips. 鳳梨去皮後切半,分別切去中間白心,切成薄片, 然後再切成絲.
- Mix together pineapple strips and sugar first, then gradually add in corn flour, mix until the corn flour is well stir in. 切好的鳳梨絲放在大盆裡,先放糖(用細砂或二砂都可以)拌勻,再分次加玉米粉,攪拌均勻到看不到玉米粉的顆粒為止。
- Using a no-stick pan, cook the pineapple mixture in high heat, once it comes to the boil, put in maltose and keep stirring. When the mixture thickens, turn the heat down. Keep stirring until the pineapple mixture present lump shape feel when push around in the pan. 移入不沾炒鍋中,大火煮滾,放麥芽糖並不停的攪拌至鳳梨餡開始變濃稠就轉小火。轉小火後的鳳梨餡要不斷的拌炒或前後推動,直到鳳梨餡推動的時候是整團的感覺為止.