Mooli Cakes 蘿蔔糕


  • one large mooli
  • an equal volume of rice flour
  • a pint of water for the rice flour paste
  • some dried shrimps, soaked
  • some dried mushrooms, soaked, reserve the mushroom water on one side
  • 1.5 cups of dried onion
  • 250g of bacon or Chinese sausages, cut into small chunks
  • Extra water for boiling the mooli


  1.  Prepare two same size bowls. Into one bowl shred or grate or chop the mooli into pieces approx 30mm long and 5mm thick.
  2. Fill the other bowl with rice flour to about the same level as the grated mooli in the first bowl.
  3. We used a pint of water to mix the rice flour into a smooth paste
  4. Put the chopped mooli in a large pan and add water until it is level with the mooli, boil this for 10 minutes or until the strands of vegetable break easily when bent.
  5. Fry the bacon in another pan, add in the chopped shrimps, then mushrooms, when it’s all looking well done add the dried onions for a minute of cooking.
  6. Add the contents of the frying pan to the other pan and mix it all together on a medium heat, just for a few minutes until mixed thoroughly. Transfer the complete mixture to a large square dish to be steamed.
  7. After 10 minutes of steaming check the water level, after 20 minutes the Turnip Cake will be finished steaming. Once it’s cool you can cover and refrigerate it.
  8. The next day your Turnip Cake is ready to be fried.


“不冬瓜” 的手工鳳梨酥…鳳梨餡

鳳梨 4050g ,糖545g,麥芽糖536g,玉米粉66g
1. 鳳梨去皮後切半,分別切去中間白心,切成薄片, 然後再切成絲.
2. 切好的鳳梨絲放在大盆裡,先放糖(用細砂或二砂都可以)拌勻,再分次加玉米粉,攪拌均勻到看不到玉米粉的顆粒為止。移入不沾炒鍋中,大火煮滾,放麥芽糖並不停的攪拌至鳳梨餡開始變濃稠就轉小火。轉小火後的鳳梨餡要不斷的拌炒或前後推動,直到鳳梨餡推動的時候是整團的感覺為止.


在網上看到這個食譜, 轉摘參考. 等哪天覺得自己的生活需要挑戰時, 再來試做鳳梨酥.

材料: (成品約900g)

食物調理機(food processor)

1. 把鳳梨果肉與冬瓜切條、用食物調理機刨成絲狀備用。
2. 炒鍋洗淨擦乾,放入鳳梨與冬瓜絲,連同湯汁一起大火加熱拌炒至熟軟,繼續拌炒至水份炒乾且呈團狀,加入砂糖拌炒至湯汁收乾,最後加入麥芽糖,繼續炒至沒有湯汁、且撈起餡料能出現絲狀纖維即可。
3. 將炒好的鳳梨餡裝入乾淨無油容器中,待涼之後加蓋放入冰箱冷凍保存,可放3個月沒問題。

備注 A:
1. 炒的時間越長,餡料顏色越深,如果想炒出顏色淺黃的效果,可以加入麵粉或玉米粉(corn starch)幫助收乾水分。
2. 放涼之後還會變得較硬,所以不用炒得太乾。如果涼了之後發現太乾硬,可以加入一些涼開水,放進微波爐加熱,取出拌勻,然後再放涼﹔假如發現太濕,也可以回鍋再炒一會兒,然後再放涼。剛炒好的樣子如上圖﹔放涼之後是稍硬的膠固狀。
3. 鳳梨與冬瓜可以用食物調理機或一般的刨絲板刨絲,最好連湯汁一起收集,所以建議刨在一個大鍋裡比較方便。


備註 B:
1杯 = 240 c.c. = 240 ml
1大匙 = 1 tablespoon = 15 c.c. = 15 ml
1小匙 = 1 teaspoon = 5 c.c. = 5 ml
* 如果份量標示為“少許”,意即少於1/8小匙 ﹔至於份量可依個人喜好增減或對成品影響不大的,則標示為“適量”。

Taiwanese Sausages 台灣香腸


2kg pork shoulder
1 rice bowl of light soy sauce
half rice bowl of dried fried garlic (or 1-2 fresh minced garlic)
1/3 rice bowl of sugar
half rice bowl each of Shaoxing rice wine and Michiu rice wine
half rice bowl of flour
2tsp black pepper
2tsp salt
3tsp 5 spice powder
1tsp Sichuan pepper powder
Some sausage casings


1. Mince the pork shoulder.
2. Mix all ingredients together, refrigerate overnight.
3. Re-hydrate sausage casings, check seasonings  of the sausage mixture and adjust accordingly.
4. Make the sausages, use needle to pick out any air pocket. Dry the sausages for at least 2 days. Once ready, either keep the sausages in the fridge or in freezer.