Coffee Ice Cream

Makes 1 pint


  • 1 cup double cream
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup extra strong brewed coffee, chilled


  1. Whisk the cream and sugar in a bowl until the sugar has dissolved completely and the mixture is frothy.
  2. Add the milk, vanilla and coffee, whisk until blended.
  3. Prepare the ice cream in an ice-cream maker approx. 25-30 minutes.

Simple Rum and Raisin Ice Cream

Recipe fom

Makes about 0.9L / 1.5 pints.


  • ¾ cup raisins
  • ¼ cup dark sweet rum
  • 2 cups full cream milk
  • 1 cup thickened cream
  • ¼ cup maple syrup


  1. Freeze your ice-cream maker bowl for at least 12 hours, or as indicated by manufacturer’s instructions.
  2. Place raisins and dark sweet rum in a small saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat. Take off the heat, transfer to a small bowl and allow to cool.
  3. In a large bowl whisk together milk, thickened cream and maple syrup until blended.
  4. Pour mixture into your ice-cream maker and churn for 20 minutes. Add cooled rum and raisins,. Churn for another 10 minutes or until the mixture is thick and resembles soft-serve ice-cream.
  5. Transfer to a freezer-safe dish, cover and freeze for at least 2 hours.
  6. Thaw out for 5 minutes before serving.

Matcha Green Tea Ice Cream

Kitchen Aid ice cream maker in action
Kitchen Aid ice cream maker in action

Saw this recipe on internet, liking the idea very much plus this will give me a good opportunity to test out my ice cream maker.
Final result is good, though I personally prefer to have stronger green tea flavour, so I think I will increase the quantity of matcha powder next time round (double the quantity too!). 🙂

Ingredients: (kitchen aid measure quantity)

3/4 cup milk (1.5 cups)
2 egg yolks (4 yolks)
5 Tbsp sugar (10 tbsp)
3/4 cup double cream (1.5 cups)
1 Tbsp matcha green tea powder – increase to 1.5 tbsp (3 tbsp)
3 Tbsp hot water (6 tbsp)


1. Mix hot water and green tea powder together in a bowl and set aside.
2. Lightly whisk egg yolks in a pan. Add sugar in the pan and mix well. Gradually add milk in the pan and mix well. Put the pan on low heat and

Green tea ice cream
Green tea ice cream

heat the mixture, stirring constantly. When the mixture is thickened, remove the pan from the heat, cool the mixture.
3. Add green tea and double cream in the cooled egg mixture and mix well.
4. Pour the mixture in an ice cream maker and freeze, following instructions of the ice cream maker. Or, pour the mixture in a container and freeze, stirring the ice cream a few times.