兒時記憶 – 蟬

今天聽了聽好久沒有接觸的民歌, 一首”秋蟬” 勾起了一件藏放在我腦海深處的記憶.

小時候學芭蕾舞的老師家是一座很舊式的日本平房, 有著一個大花園. 在這花園裡我最記得的是有一顆大樹. 夏天時, 有好多的蟬, 常常在休息時間裡坐在樹下乘涼, 聽聽蟬鳴. 突然有一天蟬鳴少了, 但地上卻多了好多的棕色東西. 撿起來一看, 是蟬殼! 看到大家的好奇, 老師請她的父親來為我們解釋蟬蛻.

第一次看見蟬殼時, 覺得挺恐怖的, 後來看多了也就習慣了. 直到有天突發異想, 覺得好玩, 我們幾個同學就撿了一大堆的殼串成項鍊, 得意的各自戴著回家. 我才一踏進家門, 差點把媽媽嚇昏, 直到我把項鍊拿掉, 她才願意讓我靠近身邊.

這雖然是許多年前的事了, 但偶爾和媽媽聊天提起時, 她還是會搖頭嘆氣的說我就是愛作怪. 哈哈! 就算是我作怪吧, 但對我而言這可是好玩的記憶呀. 😀


“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

“Whatever seems like a disaster is actually an opportunity.”

Since March 2014 to date, there were so many changes taking place in my life, as well as excited, I also feel uneasy and slightly worried. Heard someone saying these words on youtube recently, to me personally, they settle my mind and spurs me on. it’s inspirational!

Oven Temperature Conversion Guide


Oven temperature guide

Electricity °C Electricity (fan) °C Gas Mark
Very cool 110 90 ¼
120 100 ½
Cool 140 120 1
150 130 2
Moderate 160 140 3
180 160 4
Moderately hot 190 170 5
200 180 6
Hot 220 200 7
230 210 8
Very hot 240 220 9