“Live your life authentically!”
I have heard of this phrase many a time since January this year.
Didn’t pay much attention to it at first, then out of blue, one day I found myself stare at this phrase and questioned myself the same thing. How gorgeous would it be if we can live our life authentically!
Deep down in my heart, I know I haven’t managed to that in the past, I was younger and inexperienced, many compromises were made and others’ opinions always seemed to matter more than my own thoughts and feelings.
So far, 2014 has proved to be an important year for me personally in many ways. Several big changes, it’s the end of an era!
- Turning 50! No more being 40 something. I don’t know about other people, but for me, older I grow, happier I become. I am more sure of myself.
- Half of my life living in the UK.
- Married for 25 years.
- Resolved to respect the actions/decisions my eldest daughter made. Though I don’t necessary agree to those decisions, I learnt to respect them. Everybody has to learn to make their own decisions and be responsible for their own actions after all, who am I to interfere another person’s life? I reckon if I have tried my best to guide her through her growing years, then I should be at ease with my own feelings, no guilt required.
- My two young babies are going to be 17 in June. How exciting!
- Sold the oriental grocery business that we built up from scratch 9 years ago. Truthfully, it was not an easy subject to talk about when we first thought of selling it. Through these years, we worked hard to grow it into a healthy business. However, time has come for us to part with it as I don’t think that I hold the same level of enthusiasm as I had that many years ago to push the business to its next level which is what it needs in my opinion. When there is no sparkles left, it’s time to let go before I fell out of love with it.
All in all, it seems to be telling me it’s me to change.
Feeling inspired, I would love to see this as my ultimate challenge – Live life authentically!